Scores are finally all in from the Open. Take a few minutes to analyze your performance, identify some personal areas of improvement, and set some SMART goals. Aim for small improvements over time for better overall health and wellness.
Ok all. As promised we start the strength cycle this week. Here is how it’s going to work. We will be increasing the volume or number of reps that we are doing over the next three weeks. This will prepare our bodies for the increased loads we will be seeing in the last three weeks of the cycle. We will be doing lower body movements Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This will leave Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday at Open gym for upper body work. Yes, I said Sunday. I need six days a week in order to fit all this work in. Sunday strength work will be listed on the whiteboard for you all to do. If you miss a few days here and there you will still get much stronger during the cycle you just may not reap the full benefit of the cycle. This will be a lot of work. Please use your numbers that we gathered last week even if they are not your lifetime PR. Also, concentrate on form over the next six weeks. We need you all to move well and keep your recovery (diet, mobility, and rest) on point. This will allow you maximum growth over the cycle. Let’s have fun with this CFD and let’s all move better together!
Don’t forget to sign up for Lift the Weight off Kids. There is information on the front desk at the box. CFD will be a host site and we would like to see as many of our members participate in this great event as possible. Let’s help support Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Washington County. Reach out with any questions.
Don’t forget the updated cancelation and no show policy went into effect April 1st. Remove your name from the class reservation at least 1 hour in advance. Thanks!
Diet challenge has come to an end. Just waiting for the last few people to pay and weigh in before announcing the winners. Stay tuned…
Let’s do this guys. Strength cycle week 1 volume phase.
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – FSQT
Tuesday – Bench Press
Wednesday – BSQT
Thursday – Strict Press
Friday – BSQT
Saturday – WOD
Sunday – Strict Press / Open Gym