REMINDER: Don’t forget to enter your scores online for the Open 19.5! It’s the last time for this Open Season! Congratulations on making it thru your first CF Open for all of you who participated.
Now that the CrossFit Open is complete I’m going to ask all of you to take a step back and really evaluate where you are on your fitness journey. What did you do well? Where are a few area’s that you need to work on? Let’s use the Open workouts to set some specific SMART goals. When going to the gym we should be working in three specific areas. We should be training, practicing, and competing. Competition is where we should spend the least amount of our time (this is often difficult to do in CF; an arena that breads competition). We complete in order to evaluate where we are and take a snapshot of our current fitness level. This evaluation is what we use to set our goals moving forward in the next training cycle. You all just completed in the Open. So now let’s get back to work turning ourselves into the best version we can be!
With the above stated we are going to mix up our programming for the next few weeks at the Box. We are going to do a Strength Cycle! Here is how it is going to work. We will be setting 1 Rep Maxes this week. Then for the next 6 weeks we will be using these numbers to work specifically on improving our strength and movement patterns. Now, I hesitate to call this a Strength Cycle for a few reasons. First of all do not fear that we are not turning into a PowerLifting gym. We will still be doing CrossFit. However, for the next six weeks we will be taking a bit more time to make sure we are moving weights as efficiently as possible. Many people will be setting PR’s this week. This is proof that what we have been doing is working. You all are getting stronger. However, solid foundations build the strongest houses. Therefore, a renewed effort on fundamental movement patters will benefit us all, keeping us safe and helping springboard our fitness forward. We will also be taking time in class to specifically work on our mobility further yet improving our movement patterns. In general the cycle will involve setting accurate 1 reps, then three weeks of volume followed by three weeks of intensity. So, let’s have some fun with this CFD! Let’s take a few steps backwards in order to take giant leaps forward. Let’s concentrate on fundamentals, let go of the leaderboard, and do what makes us all better! Here we go CFD! Let’s smash some weights!
In other news this is the last week for the diet challenge. Make sure to keep your nutrition on track and please make sure to pay if you have not done so already. Weigh-in will be this week/weekend no later than 3/31.
Here we go guys. 1Rep Week!!!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – BSQT
Tuesday – Strict Press
Wednesday – FSQT
Thursday – Bench Press
Friday – Deadlift
Saturday – WOD