CONGRATULATIONS to our double under challenge winners! You put in the work and improved your double-unders throughout the month. You’ll reap the benefits of this work for years to come!!!
1st – Alexandria Retzlaff
2nd – Ryan Hynek
3rd – Kelly Pekrul
The top 3 can have a free O2 on us. Just make sure to tell a coach so they can mark it off. You’ve seen Kelly when the kettle-bells are out of place, you don’t want to see her when the inventory is off. LOL!!!
Stay tuned for the March Challenge! (….AIR BIKE….)
Have a great week CFD!
We will be hosting our first ever internal competition on May 9th 2020!!! Set the date aside on your calendar and ask a coach if you have questions. We can’t wait!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – WOD
Tuesday – BSQT
Wednesday – WOD
Thursday – WOD
Friday – C&J – “The Cali Bear”
Saturday – Partner WOD
Sunday – Open Gym