REMINDER: Don’t forget to enter your scores online for the Open!
We’ve had one common question regarding the new cancelation policy so we’ll try to clear it up now. No, you will not be charged if you do not reserve your spot in class and just show up for classes. We however cannot guarantee you will have a spot available if you do not reserve your spot. We want you to come to class and understand that sometimes you don’t know if you can make it until less than an hour before class starts. Come in! No worries. We are trying to establish good habits and habitually not reserving your spot leads to downstream issues for us. Please help us make CFD great by reserving your spot whenever you can. Hope this helps answer your questions. Don’t forget our new cancelation policy will go into effect starting Monday April 1st 2019.
CrossFit Kids will jump from Thursday night to Tuesday night this week. Just a friendly reminder.
With the Open wrapping up we will be getting back to more regular training. I will be shaking things up a bit with our regular program so you all have that to look forward to. More details to come…
Week 3 of the programming and Week 5 of the Open. Last week for the Open! This looks like a fun week of programming! See you all at the Box!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Deadlift
Tuesday – Snatch
Wednesday – 1 Clean WOD
Thursday – Upper Body Blast
Friday – Open 19.5 – Friday Night Lights!
Saturday – WOD