Hey all we get a couple days off from the cold so that’s a good start to the week at least! We should be business as usual this week. Thanks for the understanding last week and the flexibility with the crazy schedule and the even crazier cold cold weather.
Please make sure to reserve your spots on Wodify! This can be done via the mobile app or through our website. Ask a coach for help if you have any questions with how to reserve. Sorry but we need to crack down on reserving due to a number of reasons. From here on out if there is no one reserved for class at least one hour before class start time we will cancel the class. Meaning if you just show up to class without reserving you may find the gym locked and no one there. Please, please, please reserve your spots in advance. Likewise, we expect everyone to cancel at least one hour in advance if you will not be coming to the class you’ve reserved. Of course we understand if there are extenuating circumstances and we are more than willing to allow the occasional exception. We just can’t have classes wait-listed and then only a handful of people actually showing up to class with the majority canceling 5min before class start time. Thank you all for your help here.
Spring nutrition challenge has started! If you want to get in on the fun and get swimsuit ready there is still time to join. Let a coach know next time you’re at the Box. We can take people yet this week. Same rules as last time.
Jessi will be back this week so make sure to reserve your dry needling appointments on Wodify.
The CrossFit Open is about 2 weeks away! What is the Open??
The Open is a five-week test of fitness. A challenge. A competition of opportunity. A celebration of discomfort, triumph, struggles and breakthroughs. All are welcome to compete. Taking part in this contest looks different for everyone. Some will train their hardest to go Rx’d, many will scale as needed and more will watch and cheer their friends—all choices that are welcome. We will be sending out more information on how to sign up! Watch for it this week.
Here we go CFD… Week 3!!! Let’s smash some weight!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Strict Press
Tuesday – Thruster
Wednesday – Snatch
Thursday – FSQT
Friday – Clean
Saturday – Partner WOD