Who got their Muscle Ups?!? Though not everyone did, there was a large majority of people who either got their first muscle up, found theirs again, was able to string two in a row together, or got closer than ever before. This is great. So what changed?… I see more people working them than ever before. They were programmed in more this last cycle than ever before. Both in WOD and skill, in part or in whole. Yet they are a weakness for many people in our community. Only by working them will we get better. This goes for any skill that we try to acquire be it physical or mental. Last cycle just provided a great example of this.
Please ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting yourself closer to your goals. We are here to help you along your way but you still need to put in the work. The month ends this week. Did you reach your goal? Could you put in more work next month so you can? Don’t forget, you spend more time outside of class than in. What can you do with the other 23 hours in the day to get yourself closer to your goals? Whether that be getting your first pull-up, learning to handstand walk, or losing a few pounds. Create a plan and put it into motion. Go get it CFD! I know you can!
The only announcement for this week is to please check the Lost and Found. It’s starting to get quite full again. Thanks!
Here we go CFD! Almost November!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – SQT’s
Tuesday – Strict Press
Wednesday – Clean
Thursday – Snatch
Friday – Split Jerk
Saturday – WOD