Let’s have a quick little talk about volume this week…
It seems that most people are not realizing how awesome they actually are. We move A LOT of weight here. Take for example a WOD that has you doing deadlifts at 225/155 for set of 10. During the workout you may do as many as 10 rounds with that weight (just to keep the math simple). That means during the workout you picked up 22,500 pounds if you are a guy and 15,500 pounds if you are a woman. Now mix in a couple pull ups, push-ups, and air squats, box jumps, etc.…. performing the same math on body weight movements and you quickly feel why these workouts can be so tiring. It is not out of the questions to move well over 100,000 pounds during a workout. All of this is within a 20 to 30 minute window! Now think really hard. Besides at CrossFit when was the last time you did that? It’s like having a dump truck full of mulch delivered to your house and unloading the whole truck by hand in in less than 30min.
It’s truly incredible what the human body is capable of! Please keep this in mind when choosing WOD weights. Performing one deadlift at 500 pounds or 10 at 50 pounds has you moving the same volume of weight just over differing time domains. This effects your body in different ways. Maybe now you can understand why you get sore after a WOD. You need to be conditioned for the work you are performing. You can perform multiple reps with perfect form and still get sore just because you are not conditioned for the volume you are asking your body to move. At the end of the day you need to be strong. We are all getting there. Keep this in mind and keep being awesome CFD!
Lastly, don’t forget the schedule is different this week with the Thanksgiving holiday. We only have a 9am WOD on Thursday and Friday. Back to regular schedule on Saturday with new open gym times on Sundays. We will also be having a social hour after the Thanksgiving WOD from 10 to 11am on Thursday. As always, all friends and family are welcome on Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving week! Nice and short, Oh Yeah!!!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Snatch
Tuesday – BSQT
Wednesday – Thruster
Thursday – 9am WOD, 10am Social
Friday – WOD
Saturday – WOD