Last week before Christmas! O’ boy where did the time go…? Seems like not too long ago we were just having Thanksgiving with family and friends. Well like it or not the holidays are upon us. Let’s finish this week out strong. Keep making time for yourselves guys. I know it’s easy to neglect yourself this time of year with all the additional hustle and bustle going on. However, this is the only body and mind that you have. So take time to take care of it. Showing up to the gym is a great way to blow off some extra steam and give your mind and body some much needed rest. Hope to see you all this week!
New stuff coming…
Let’s have a quick talk about pull-ups. Normally we scale pull-ups to the j-cups. These are a great scale. However, as we warned you all in on-ramp this is a “legit scale”and only works if you take a little extra time and make sure to perform every rep with perfect from. There are a handful of people who have done very well with this and therefore they have gotten their first strict pull-up since starting at CFD. The issue is that there’s also a majority of people that get too caught up in the competition side of CrossFit and therefore sacrifice form for moving fast. These people are not developing how we would like therefore, we need to change up our method a bit in order to drive the correct stimulus. At the end of the day we want all of you to have strict pull-ups. This is for correct posture, spinal and shoulder health, and correct body proportions. Not to mention it will make you even cooler! 🙂 So we are getting rid of j-cup pull-ups for a few weeks. In its place we will be performing jumping pull-ups. All of the coaches are aware of this change and will be working with each of you to find the correct height for these and scale them appropriately for each individual. If you have any questions please reach out.
Speaking of other Coaches… Please all welcome Tyler to the Coaching staff at CFD! He is officially a Coach now so look forward to him leading classes on a more regular basis as part of our schedule. We look forward to him joining the Coaching staff here at CFD and know that he is going to do great things for each of our members. His unique perspective, work ethic, and focus will help each of our members along their fitness journey. Congrats Tyler! You’re going to do even more great things as a Coach!!!
Thank you to all who took the adopt a family tags. Please do not forget that today Monday December 17th is the due date for them to be delivered to CFD.
Shown below is the holiday schedule once again. Please plan accordingly.
Christmas Week:
- 12/23 – Open Gym
- 12/24 – Christmas WOD at 9AM with white elephant gift exchange and social afterwards. See whiteboard at gym for more info.
- 12/25 – Gym Closed
- 12/26 – Gym Closed
- 12/27-29 – Regular Class Schedule
New Year’s Week:
- 12/30 – Open Gym
- 12/31 – New Year’s WOD at 9AM. Social afterwards. See whiteboard at gym for more info.
- 1/1 – Gym Closed
- 1/2 – Regular Class Schedule Resumes
As always reach out with any questions.
Here we go CFD! Last week before Christmas!!! Let’s hit it hard!
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – Press
- Tuesday – WOD
- Wednesday – FSQT
- Thursday – Clean
- Friday – OHS
- Saturday – Partner WOD