Happy Monday All! There is Lots to talk about this week…
First of all, thank you to everyone who came out for our cookout on Friday. It was a great evening with tons of good food and people. It was nice being able to get to know everyone a bit better.
Now regarding the upcoming holiday. It will be a normal class schedule this week. The gym will be closed on Sunday, September 2nd. We will have one WOD at 10AM on Monday, September 3rd. Class schedule will return to normal on Tuesday. Please plan accordingly. Just so you know — we will be doing a fun partner WOD on Monday so you won’t want to miss out! As always, all holidays are free workouts for all friends and family. So, grab you buds/home girls and come on in!
Lastly, most of you have noticed by now that we installed some smaller whiteboards for Goals and Personal Records. Please start using these boards. As we’ve said multiple times now, having goals and keeping track of personal records is a great way to motivate yourself and ensure you are staying on track with your fitness. Please make sure when choosing goals that they are SMART goals. SMART = Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. For example: let’s just say you don’t have strict pull-ups, a poor goal would be “I want to get a ring muscle up” a good goal would be “I will do eccentric pull-ups for 5 minutes after class every day I come for the month of September”. Getting a ring muscle up is a fine goal but if you don’t have strict pull-ups you need to work on those first. Focus on the path to success and layout a plan to get you there. As they say, you won’t be able to eat the whole elephant in one bite. Chip away at it slowly and before you know it you’ll be where you want to be. Lastly, make sure you build in points along the way where you can reassess your goals and adjust your plan as needed. Life is fluid and ever changing. You need to be flexible as well if you want to succeed.
Now for the lifts of the week:
Monday – FSQT
Tuesday – Snatch
Wednesday – BSQT (Bring your running shoes)
Thursday – C&J
Friday – WOD
Saturday – Strongman
Monday – Labor Day Holiday Partner WOD @ 10AM!
Have a great week all and enjoy the deload!