Snow, wind, and cold… that about sums up how this week looks like it is going to go. Please use caution traveling to and from the Box. This winter is turning out to be quite the doozy! If we feel the gym will need to be closed we will post it on Facebook and cancel the class(es) on Wodify. We will try to do this as soon as pertinent in order to give each one of you time to react. Thanks for your understanding and please reach out with any concerns. Stay safe out there CFD!
Regarding canceling and reserving classes please stay on top of this. There has been a number of people who are not reserving classes lately and/or canceling classes less than thirty minutes before class starts. We as coaches use this information to provide the best for you all. If you reserve your spot in class, please come to that class. Also, when canceling last minute it robs the opportunity for someone else who may have been able to attend had they not been on the waitlist. We don’t want to have to charge for late cancelations so people use the system as intended. Please do not force us to enact this. The system is setup as is for a reason. Thanks for your understanding and help in this area.
And with that… here we go… Week 2 CFD!!! Get some!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Snatch
Tuesday – Clean
Wednesday – Press
Thursday – FSQT
Friday – Bench
Saturday – WOD