5:15 a.m. Wednesdays and 8 a.m. Saturdays
WHAT IS Develop Barbell?
Develop Barbell is a USA Weightlifting Certified Club that has the strict focus on improving athletes abilities in the Olympic lifts. No matter what level you are at we work with you to reach optimal technique and efficiency in the snatch and clean & jerk. This class is individualized training provided in a group setting. We tailor the daily programming to your specific needs and level of the movement.

Olympic Weightlifting provides many benefits to all types of athletes for both maximal effort explosive strength and muscle recruitment. Whether you are looking to improve your vertical jump or gain muscle mass and explosive power this class can help. We work with students to ensure they are learning the correct movement patterns to set them up for future success in sports and the weight room. Likewise, we work with sports trainers and facilities to guide teaching the proper methods to ensure safety and optimal development of athletes. If you are looking for a competitive advantage for your athletes or team look no further.

Safety is always our number one goal and weight will not be added to the barbell until the form is perfect. We will develop strength in positions through quality of movement.
So how do you sign up for Develop Barbell?
Are you a member of CrossFit Develop?
Click here to sign up on Wodify!!Not a member of CrossFit Develop but love Olympic Weightlifting?
Click here to sign up on Wodify and purchase your membership!For more information, contact Chris at 920-948-0768 or [email protected]
Click Here to contact Chris and learn more!