(920) 948-0768

Journeys with CrossFit Develop

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If you do nothing where will you be? If you try CrossFit Develop , how will your life change? Come see what we can do for you!

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What is Fitness?

Fitness, most broadly defined, is the ability to handle the demands of your life.

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Lifts for the Week of August 27

Happy Monday All! There is Lots to talk about this week… First of all, thank you to everyone who came out for our cookout on Friday. It was a great evening with tons of good food and people. It was nice being able to get to know everyone a bit better. Now regarding the upcoming holiday. It will be a normal class schedule this week. The gym will be closed on Sunday, September 2nd. We will have one WOD at 10AM on Monday, September 3rd. Class schedule will return to normal on Tuesday. Please plan accordingly. Just so you know

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Lifts for the Week of August 20

Week 3 All! Here we go!!! We start off the week with a hot and spicy WOD so be ready to work today! Then the weights go up all throughout the week. Please make sure to emphasize on recovery this week. Make sure you are eating plenty of quality food and getting adequate rest. This week will take a lot out of you. Also, you will be seeing some new faces around the gym since we’ve had several people graduate on-ramp this last week/weekend. Please make sure to introduce yourself and make them feel at home. I’m sure you all

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Lifts for the Week of August 13

Happy Monday all! First of all, thank you for all who came out to our Grand Opening Party this past Saturday. The day was a big success and we had a ton of fun putting it on. We had lots of winners so make sure to pick up your free swag next time you’re at the Box. Secondly, we are returning to more typical programming with regular skill work being added back in. Hopefully you all feel great headed into this week. Please keep concentrating on mobility moving forward. After all mobility is the basis of all quality movements. Proper

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Lifts for the Week of August 6

Hey All! Happy Monday! Hopefully you were able to check out some of the Games action over the weekend and are fired up to get back in the gym this week. We’re getting rid of Skill work this week and in its place we will be doing group mobility at the end of class. I want everyone to concentrate on mobility. This will keep you healthy and feeling great as well as help with movement efficiency. Hopefully this week will allow everyone to become familiar with some good stretches. Have fun with it! Lastly, don’t forget this coming Saturday is

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Lifts for the Week of July 30

Hey All, Happy Monday! Weights go up this week along with the skill requirements as we reach the end of this cycle. Please remember to work on your mobility this week. In-between sets is a great time! Monday – OHS Tuesday – BSQT Wednesday – Clean Thursday – DL Friday - Press Have a great week and enjoy the CrossFit Games!

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Lifts for the Week of July 23

Welcome to week 2 Folks! We’ve got lots of bar work this week as we build back to heavy. Remember to take care of those hands and let’s hit this week hard! The 6:15pm class on Friday, July 27 is cancelled. Please plan accordingly. Don't worry you can still attend the 5:30am or 5:00pm class. Have a great week! Monday – Clean Tuesday – Bench Wednesday – Deadlift Thursday – Strict Press Friday – Snatch Saturday - StrongMan

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Lifts for the Week of July 16

Hello all! Cycle starts over this week so weights will be lighter and more bar cycling as we flush the system and start building once again. Make sure to do lots of stretching this week to aid in recovery from the end of our last cycle. Also, we have lots of new members joining classes this week so let’s make sure to give them all a warm welcome and help them out as needed. Keep being awesome CFD! Lifts of the week: Monday - P. Snatch Tuesday - BSQT Wednesday - Press Combo Thursday - P. Clean Friday - FSQT

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Lifts for the week of July 9

Hello CFD! Hope you all enjoyed your Holiday week! Now let's get back in the Box and finish the cycle. This is a hard week, it is the final week of this cycle. Make sure to get your rest and fuel your body appropriately. This weeks’ Strength lifts are… Monday – Cleans Tuesday – Thrusters Wednesday – Overhead Squats Thursday – No strength Friday – Clean & Jerk then Clean Saturday – No strength

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